Thursday, October 16, 2008

as3 notes class 1 sept 10

Nouns and verbs.

Flash has a main class that owns all the other classes.
Symbols in flash are used as instances on the stage.

Class is noun. Things classes do are verbs.

Inheritance :: parent and child relationships.


The Document Class
Instantiated means created.

Needs to “extends MovieClip” if it is the document class.

Trace statmeent sends string to the output screen in flash.

2. Creating classes

Don’t create variable names with a numbe.

Don’t use keywords.

Symbol names are meaningless when using code
In linkage properties link for actionscript
Name the class
Export in first frame

addChild means put it on the display list so you can see it. It puts it on the stage.

Set frame rate to 30. lower will slow you down. Faster and performance suffers.

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